孟加拉国提议设立独立委员会监督警察任命和结束政治偏袒。 Bangladesh proposes independent commission to oversee police appointments and end political favoritism.
孟加拉国警察部队已提议设立一个独立委员会,以确保执法人员的问责制和中立性。 Bangladesh's police force has proposed an independent commission to ensure accountability and neutrality among law enforcers. 该委员会将监督任命、征聘、调职和晋升,以结束政治偏袒。 This commission would oversee appointments, recruitment, transfers, and promotions, aiming to end political favoritism. 该委员会由11名成员组成,包括一名退休法官或警察局长,旨在保护人权和法治。 Comprising 11 members, including a retired judge or police chief, the commission seeks to protect human rights and the rule of law. 每个成员的任期为一次四年。 Each member would serve a single four-year term.