孟加拉国军队缴获6 000多支非法枪支,并逮捕了2 500人,以加强安全。 Bangladesh's army seized over 6,000 illegal guns and arrested 2,500 people to boost security.
孟加拉国军队已收缴了6 000多支非法枪支,逮捕了2 500多人,以加强8月剧增后的安全。 Bangladesh's army has recovered over 6,000 illegal guns and arrested more than 2,500 people in an effort to enhance security following the August upsurge. 他们活跃在62个区,与各机构合作保护生命和基础设施。 They are active in 62 districts, working with various agencies to protect lives and infrastructure. 军队还管理了700多起混乱局势,并建立了24小时安全营地,特别是在节日期间。 The army has also managed over 700 chaotic situations and set up camps for round-the-clock security, especially during festivals. 他们为受伤的抗议者提供医疗服务,并否认有关侵犯人权的报告。 They have provided medical care to injured protesters and deny reports of human rights violations.