孟加拉国启动指挥中心, Bangladesh launches command center to improve law enforcement coordination and security.
孟加拉国政府正在启动一个指挥中心,以加强执法和军事机构之间的协调,目的是改善该国的法律和秩序。 The Bangladeshi government is launching a command center to enhance coordination among law enforcement and military agencies, aimed at improving the country's law and order. 该中心定于今天下午 6 点开始运作,将包括警察、孟加拉国边防警卫队、快速行动营和武装部队。 Set to begin operations today at 6 PM, the center will include the police, Border Guard Bangladesh, Rapid Action Battalion, and armed forces. 该倡议旨在增强对全国安全威胁的快速反应。 The initiative seeks to boost rapid response to security threats across the nation.