墨西哥Michoacan海岸附近发生6.4级地震,没有关于损坏或伤亡的报告。 A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit near Mexico's Michoacan coast, with no reported damage or casualties.
根据GFZ德国地球科学研究中心的报告,墨西哥Michoacan海岸附近发生6.4级地震。 A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck near the coast of Michoacan, Mexico, as reported by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. 地震发生于1月12日格林尼治平时8点32分,中心位于北纬18.82度和西经103.02度坐标90.9公里的深度。 The quake occurred on January 12 at 08:32 GMT, with its epicenter located at a depth of 90.9 kilometers, at coordinates 18.82 degrees north latitude and 103.02 degrees west longitude. 没有提供关于损坏或伤亡的资料。 No information on damage or casualties was provided.