墨西哥恰帕斯州海岸附近发生 6.4 级地震。6.4-magnitude earthquake strikes near Chiapas coast, Mexico.
6.4 级地震袭击墨西哥恰帕斯州海岸附近;深度 10 公里 - GFZ。6.4-magnitude earthquake strikes near Chiapas coast, Mexico; depth at 10 km - GFZ.德国地质科学研究中心报告称,格林威治标准时间周日 11:39:10,墨西哥恰帕斯州海岸附近发生 6.4 级地震,震中深度 10.0 公里。The German Research Center for Geosciences reports a 6.4-magnitude earthquake occurred near Chiapas coast, Mexico at 11:39:10 GMT on Sunday, with an epicenter at a depth of 10.0 km.