智利北部Pulle附近发生5.5级地震,没有人员伤亡或损坏的报告。 A 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit northern Chile near Putre with no reported injuries or damage.
1月24日智利北部Pulle附近发生5.5级地震,没有人员伤亡或损坏的报告。 A 5.5 magnitude earthquake struck northern Chile near Putre on January 24th, with no reported injuries or damage. 附近城镇感受到地震,但没有造成海啸风险。 The quake was felt in nearby towns but posed no tsunami risk. 智利因其在太平洋火灾环上的位置而闻名地震活动,在130公里的深度上经历了这一事件。 Chile, known for its seismic activity due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, experienced this event at a depth of 130 km. 另外,巴布亚新几内亚Kavieng以南10公里深处发生了5.7度的地震,但没有提供有关影响的详细情况。 Separately, a 5.7-magnitude earthquake occurred south of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea, at a depth of 10 km, but details on impacts are not provided.