智利北部靠近阿根廷边境的地方发生 7.4 级地震;没有人员伤亡或重大损失的报告。 7.4 magnitude earthquake in northern Chile near Argentina border; no injuries or major damages reported.
智利北部与阿根廷边境附近发生 7.4 级地震,目前尚无人员伤亡或重大损失的报告。 A 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit northern Chile near its border with Argentina, resulting in no immediate reports of injuries or major damages. 地震震中位于智利圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马东南偏东45公里,深度117公里。 The quake's epicenter was 45 km east-southeast of San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, with a depth of 117 km. 美国地质调查局报告称,并未发布海啸警报,仅报告了停电和松散的岩石滚落到高速公路等轻微影响。 The US Geological Survey reported no tsunami warnings were issued, and minor effects such as power outages and loose rocks rolling onto highways were reported.