由于冬季暴风雨,南达科他州的否决日推迟至 3 月 26 日,诺姆州长近 70 年来没有否决过否决权。 South Dakota's Veto Day postponed to March 26 due to a winter storm, with no vetoes from Governor Noem in nearly 70 years.
由于即将到来的冬季风暴,南达科他州的否决日(州立法会议的最后一天)被推迟到 3 月 26 日星期二。 South Dakota's Veto Day, the final day of the state legislative session, is postponed to Tuesday, March 26 due to an incoming winter storm. 这标志着近 70 年来首次没有州长克里斯蒂·诺姆 (Kristi Noem) 否决权供立法者考虑。 This marks the first time in nearly 70 years with no vetoes from Governor Kristi Noem for lawmakers to consider. 立法机构仍须召开会议以正式结束第 99 届会议,而共和党领导人则利用这段时间为 1 月 14 日开始的 2025 年会议进行规划。 The Legislature must still meet to officially conclude the 99th session, while Republican leaders use the time to plan for the 2025 session starting January 14.