研究发现,食用各种植物食物可以增进肠道健康,对素食者和全食动物同样有利。 Eating a variety of plant-based foods boosts gut health, study finds, benefiting vegans and omnivores alike.
一项涉及超过21 000人的研究发现,食用各种植物基食品是健康的直肠微生物系的关键,而不论它是素食素食、素食或全食。 A study involving over 21,000 people found that eating a variety of plant-based foods is key to a healthy gut microbiome, regardless of being vegan, vegetarian, or omnivorous. 素食者通常有有益的细菌与更好的健康有关, 但食用各种植物性食物的食人有类似的肠道健康益处. Vegans typically had beneficial bacteria linked to better health, but omnivores who consumed a wide range of plant-based foods had similar gut health benefits. 专家建议每日食用五种不同的植物食品, Experts suggest eating five different plant-based foods daily, focusing on fiber-rich options like whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, to improve gut health and overall well-being.