研究发现高纤维饮食 刺激良好的肠道细菌, 对抗有害菌株 如E. Study finds high-fiber diets boost good gut bacteria, fighting harmful strains like E. coli.
一项研究表明,高纤维饮食通过促进有益的细菌生长,可以帮助防止E.大肠杆菌等有害肠道细菌。 A study shows that a diet high in fiber can help protect against harmful gut bacteria like E. coli by promoting beneficial bacteria growth. 研究人员对来自45个国家的超过12,000人的直肠微生物进行了分析,发现某些细菌产生抑制有害细菌的短链脂肪酸。 Analyzing over 12,000 people’s gut microbiomes from 45 countries, researchers found that certain bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids that inhibit harmful bacteria. 这表明饮食变化可以防止没有抗生素的感染,但还需要进一步研究才能更好地了解这些相互作用。 This suggests that dietary changes could prevent infections without antibiotics, though further research is needed to understand these interactions better.