加利福尼亚州在消防区为房主提供保险,一年来阻止取消保单。 California insures homeowners in fire zones, blocking policy cancellations for a year.
加利福尼亚州保险专员里卡多·拉腊实施了为期一年的暂停令,阻止保险公司在受最近的Palisades和Eaton野火影响的地区取消或不延长对房主的政策。 California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has implemented a one-year moratorium preventing insurance companies from canceling or non-renewing policies for homeowners in areas affected by the recent Palisades and Eaton wildfires. 这项行动一直持续到2026年1月7日,旨在为消防区内和附近的居民提供财政保障,帮助他们在恢复期间避免额外的压力。 This move, effective until January 7, 2026, aims to provide financial security to residents in and near the fire zones, helping them avoid additional stress during recovery. 暂停令适用于受火灾影响的周边和相邻的ZIP代码内的所有房主,而不论其财产是否受损。 The moratorium applies to all homeowners within the fire-affected perimeters and adjoining ZIP codes, regardless of whether their properties were damaged.