冬季暴风雨以危险的冰冷道路威胁代顿,促使城市为公路工作人员做好准备。 Winter storm threatens Dayton with dangerous icy roads, prompting city to prepare road crews.
预计星期五的冬季暴风雨将袭击代顿,引起对冰冷道路的担忧。 A winter storm is expected to hit Dayton on Friday, causing concerns about icy roads. 像Will Haher这样的居民担心驾驶条件,尤其是没有冰的车辆。 Residents like Will Haher worry about driving conditions, especially with vehicles not equipped for ice. 虽然公共工程部没有评论他们的计划, 但他们先前的目标是在暴风雨过后不久就清理住宅区。 While the Public Works Department hasn't commented on their plans, they previously aimed to clear residential areas soon after storms. 城市路务人员将长时间工作, 清扫公路、干道、街坊街道, 重点是防止积雪积冰。 The city's road crews will work long hours to clear highways, main roads, and neighborhood streets, focusing on preventing ice buildup from compacted snow. 7号新闻中心将继续监测暴风雨的影响。 News Center 7 will continue to monitor the storm's impact.