冬季风暴威胁着堪萨斯州和密苏里州 带来大雪和冰雪 迫使居民做好准备 Winter storm threatens Kansas and Missouri with heavy snow, ice, urging residents to stay prepared.
预计本周末堪萨斯州和密苏里州部分地区将遭遇重大冬季风暴,带来大雪和冰雪,可能导致危险的旅行条件。 A significant winter storm is expected to hit parts of Kansas and Missouri this weekend, bringing heavy snow and ice that could lead to hazardous travel conditions. 密苏里交通部(MODOT)和当地城市正在通过增加工人和预先修筑道路来准备。 Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and local cities are gearing up by bringing in extra workers and pre-treating roads. 交通、交通、交通、交通和交通部建议司机尽可能留在家中,准备车辆,并监测天气最新消息。 MoDOT advises drivers to stay home if possible, prepare their vehicles, and monitor weather updates. 暴风雨可能会造成停电和中断,当局正在敦促谨慎行事,并准备应对潜在的严峻条件。 The storm could cause power outages and disruptions, and authorities are urging caution and readiness for potential severe conditions.