在代顿的I -675和I -75发生多起撞车事件 因为浮油路干扰了早上的通勤 Multiple crashes on Dayton's I-675 and I-75 due to slick roads disrupt morning commute.
俄俄州戴顿州的高速公路上发生多起车祸, 由于道路滑滑, 导致2024年12月11日上午的通勤中断. Multiple crashes occurred on interstates in Dayton, Ohio, disrupting the morning commute on December 11, 2024, due to slick roads. 俄亥俄州交通部报告了I-675和I-75的关闭和限制通道情况。 The Ohio Department of Transportation reported closures and restricted lanes on I-675 and I-75. 光滑的条件是主要原因,尽管天气预报表明白天天气干燥,下午晚些时候和晚上可能会有阵雪。 Slick conditions were the primary cause, though weather forecasts suggest drier conditions during the day with potential snow showers in the late afternoon and evening.