一场严重的冬季风暴席卷美国中部,造成危险情况和旅行中断。 A severe winter storm spans the central U.S., causing hazardous conditions and travel disruptions.
一场带有雪、冰和冰冻温度的冬季风暴正在美国中部造成危险的路况和严重的旅行中断,从而导致车祸和道路封闭。 A winter storm with snow, ice, and freezing temperatures is causing hazardous road conditions and severe travel disruptions across the central U.S., leading to crashes and road closures. 预计风暴将向东移动,影响俄亥俄河谷、大西洋中部各州,并可能向南延伸到佛罗里达州。 The storm is expected to move eastward, affecting the Ohio Valley, Mid-Atlantic states, and potentially reaching as far south as Florida. 当局已在多个州宣布进入紧急状态,并敦促居民避免不必要的旅行。 Authorities have declared states of emergency in several states and are urging residents to avoid unnecessary travel. 预计气温将比正常水平低 12 至 25 度,极地涡旋将带来危险的风寒。 Temperatures are expected to be 12 to 25 degrees below normal, with the polar vortex bringing dangerous wind chills.