一场严重的冬季风暴袭击了美国中部,带来了创纪录的降雪量并扰乱了旅行。 A severe winter storm hits central US, bringing record snowfall and disrupting travel.
一场严重的冬季风暴正在袭击美国中部部分地区,由于大雪、冰和强风,导致危险的旅行条件。 A severe winter storm is hitting parts of the central US, causing dangerous travel conditions due to heavy snowfall, ice, and strong winds. 一些地区可能会出现十年来最强的降雪,扰乱日常活动和交通。 Some areas could see the heaviest snowfall in a decade, disrupting daily activities and transportation. 预计主要道路,尤其是堪萨斯州的主要道路将受到严重影响。 Major roadways, especially in Kansas, are expected to be significantly impacted.