丹维尔为预计从周日开始带来雪、雨夹雪和冰的冬季风暴做准备。 Danville prepares for a winter storm expected to bring snow, sleet, and ice starting Sunday.
丹维尔市正在为预计将在周日晚上至周一袭击的冬季风暴做准备,届时将带来雪、雨夹雪和冻雨。 The City of Danville is gearing up for a winter storm expected to hit Sunday evening into Monday, bringing a mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. 美国国家气象局预测,随着气温下降,将过渡到冬季混合,可能导致薄冰釉。 The National Weather Service predicts a transition to a wintry mix as temperatures drop, potentially leading to a light ice glaze. 城市工作人员将用盐水对主要道路、桥梁和立交桥进行预处理,以防止冰粘合。 City crews will pretreat major roads, bridges, and overpasses with brine to prevent ice bonding. 建议居民为结冰情况做好准备,如有需要,可以拨打非紧急电话寻求庇护。 Residents are advised to prepare for icy conditions and can call the non-emergency number for shelter if needed.