康奈尔研究者发现肠道细菌和人类酶共同致力于调节胆固醇和脂肪新陈代谢。 Cornell researchers found gut bacteria and human enzymes work together to regulate cholesterol and fat metabolism.
来自康奈尔的研究人员发现,肠道细菌和人类酶共同致力于通过碱酸调节胆固醇和脂肪新陈代谢。 Researchers from Cornell found that gut bacteria and human enzymes work together to regulate cholesterol and fat metabolism through bile acids. 该研究在《自然》中发表,表明肠胃酶改变恶性酸,以促进脂肪新陈代谢,减少肝脏脂肪积累,饮食纤维可以加强这种积累。 The study, published in Nature, shows that an enzyme in the gut modifies bile acids to promote fat metabolism and reduce liver fat accumulation, which could be enhanced by dietary fiber. 这一发现可能导致对高胆固醇和脂肪肝病进行新治疗。 This discovery could lead to new treatments for high cholesterol and fatty liver disease.