洛杉矶的野火造成数千人流离失所,住房短缺恶化,房租上涨。 Los Angeles wildfires displace thousands, worsen housing shortage, and push rents higher.
影响超过15万人的洛杉矶野火正在恶化该市现有的住房短缺状况。 The Los Angeles wildfires, affecting over 150,000 people, are worsening the city's existing housing shortage. 由于近2 000个建筑被毁,火灾使数千人流离失所,对临时住房的需求增加,导致租金上涨。 With nearly 2,000 structures destroyed, the fires have displaced thousands and increased demand for temporary housing, causing rent prices to rise. 州长Newsom宣布进入紧急状态,提供最高30天的定价保护。 Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency, providing price gouging protections for up to 30 days. Airbnb.org和当地旅馆正在提供临时住房解决办法,而保险公司必须为房屋被毁者提供四个月的租金。 Airbnb.org and local hotels are offering temporary housing solutions, while insurance companies must provide four months of rent for those whose homes were destroyed.