Airbnb.org在2024年为灾民提供了140多万个免费夜晚,向受洛杉矶野火影响的人提供援助。 provided over 1.4 million free nights to disaster victims in 2024, aiding those affected by LA wildfires.
Airbnb.org公司是Airbnb公司的一个非营利组织,在2024年向受灾流离失所者提供了140多万个免费夜间住房。, a nonprofit by Airbnb, provided over 1.4 million free nights of housing to disaster-displaced people in 2024. 为了应对洛杉矶的野火,Airbnb向受影响者提供免费或折扣停留,与211 LA合作,将居民与紧急住房连接起来。 In response to the Los Angeles wildfires, Airbnb is offering free or discounted stays to those impacted, partnering with 211 LA to connect residents to emergency housing. 尽管作出了这些努力,Ana Mostarac等用户仍报告拒绝退款或重新订票,导致公众批评。 Despite these efforts, some users like Ana Mostarac have reported being denied refunds or rebookings, leading to public criticism. Airbnb正在接受捐款,资助更多的紧急住房。 Airbnb is accepting donations to fund more emergency housing.