Murphy勋爵被任命审查关于北爱尔兰后Brexit贸易的有争议的温莎框架。 Lord Murphy appointed to review contentious Windsor Framework governing Northern Ireland's post-Brexit trade.
前北爱尔兰秘书Murphy勋爵被任命审查《温莎框架》,该《框架》管理北爱尔兰的布列斯特后贸易。 Lord Murphy, a former Northern Ireland Secretary, has been appointed to review the Windsor Framework, which governs post-Brexit trade in Northern Ireland. 审查是在风暴大会投票将贸易安排再延长4年之后进行的。 The review follows a Stormont Assembly vote to extend the trading arrangements for four more years. 该框架要求对来自英国的货物进行海关检查,这是工会会员认为这对北爱尔兰在联合王国的地位构成威胁的一个有争议的问题。 The framework requires customs checks on goods from Great Britain, a contentious issue for unionists who see it as a threat to Northern Ireland's place in the UK. Murphy将在六个月内进行的审查将评估该框架对该地区社会、经济和政治生活的影响。 Murphy's review, due in six months, will assess the framework's impact on the region's social, economic, and political life.