北爱尔兰工会会员使用“Stormont Brake”(Stormont Brake)阻挡欧盟新的化学规则, Northern Ireland unionists use "Stormont Brake" to block new EU chemical rules, citing trade concerns.
北爱尔兰的联盟党将首次使用“Stormont Brake”来阻止欧盟关于化学品包装和标签的新规则。 Unionist parties in Northern Ireland are set to use the "Stormont Brake" for the first time to block new EU rules on chemical packaging and labelling. 作为《温莎框架》一部分的制动要求至少来自两个政党的30名议员向联合王国政府提交一项法律,联合王国政府然后可以否决其在北爱尔兰的适用。 The brake, part of the Windsor Framework, requires 30 assembly members from at least two parties to refer a law to the UK Government, which can then veto its application in Northern Ireland. 联合主义者认为,这些规则可能会损害大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的10亿英镑的贸易,有可能增加成本并造成贸易摩擦。 Unionists argue the rules could harm the £1 billion trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, potentially increasing costs and creating trade friction.