北爱尔兰企业对Brexit包裹航运变化和海关手续表示关切。 Northern Ireland businesses raise concerns over Brexit parcel shipping changes and customs processes.
北爱尔兰企业对Brexit交易实施的下一阶段表示关切,特别是影响到从GB到NI的包裹运输。 Northern Ireland businesses express concerns over the next phase of Brexit deal implementation, particularly impacting parcel shipping from GB to NI. 企业对企业包裹将面临新的海关手续,承运商必须加入新的可信赖的贸易商计划。 Business-to-business parcels will face new customs processes, and carriers must join a new trusted trader scheme. 北爱尔兰商会敦促政府协助这些变化,并重新处理该地区更广泛的英国脱欧问题。 The NI Chamber of Commerce urges the government to assist with these changes and re-engage with broader Brexit issues in the region.