前总统特朗普被定罪,但在秘密钱款案件中没有受到处罚,反而面临权利限制。 Former President Trump was convicted but not punished in his hush money case, facing rights limitations instead.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普在其秘密钱款案件中被正式判刑,但没有受到任何惩罚,避免了监禁时间、罚款或社区服务。 Former President Donald Trump was formally sentenced in his hush money case but did not receive any punishment, avoiding jail time, fines, or community service. 然而,他的信念将保留在记录上,影响到他的权利,例如无法拥有火器。 The conviction, however, will remain on his record, impacting his rights such as the inability to own firearms. 虽然他仍然可以在佛罗里达投票,并持外交护照进行国际旅行,但他的重罪地位可能阻止他在其房产持有酒类许可证,尽管他的公司称他不是持有这种许可证的实体的官员或主管。 While he can still vote in Florida and travel internationally with a diplomatic passport, his felony status could bar him from holding liquor licenses at his properties, though his company states he is not an officer or director of entities holding such licenses. 纽约州长有权力赦免他 但似乎不太可能 New York's governor has the authority to pardon him, but it seems unlikely.