前总统特朗普于1月10日因伪造 Stormy Daniels付款案的记录而面临判刑。 Former President Trump faces sentencing on Jan. 10 for falsifying records in Stormy Daniels payment case.
美国前总统特朗普将于1月10日星期五被判刑, 涉及一项涉嫌在2016年大选前与斯托米·丹尼尔斯发生过涉嫌性关系的案子. Former President Donald Trump is set to be sentenced on Friday, January 10th, in a case involving hush money payments made to silence Stormy Daniels about an alleged affair before the 2016 election. 尽管特朗普声称政治迫害他,但他仍因伪造与付款有关的商业记录而被定罪。 Despite Trump's claims of a political witch hunt, he was convicted of falsifying business records related to the payment. 确切的刑期可能包括罚款或监禁时间,现在仍然不清楚。 The exact sentence, which could include fines or jail time, remains unclear.