总统当选人特朗普访问卡特在国会的棺材 准备参加拜登的葬礼 President-elect Trump visits Carter's casket at Capitol, set to attend funeral with Biden giving eulogy.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和他的妻子梅拉尼亚(Melania)向已故总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)致敬, President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania paid their respects to late President Jimmy Carter at the Capitol Rotunda, pausing in front of Carter's flag-draped casket. 尽管过去曾有批评,特朗普仍计划参加卡特在华盛顿国家大教堂的葬礼,总统乔·拜登将在那里发表悼词。 Despite past criticisms, Trump plans to attend Carter's funeral at the Washington National Cathedral, where President Joe Biden will deliver the eulogy. 卡特 任期最长的美国总统 于100岁去世 Carter, the longest-lived U.S. president, died at 100. 葬礼将看到所有在世的前任总统出席。 The funeral will see the attendance of all living former presidents.