SiOnyx起诉苹果公司,声称iPhone 15未经许可使用其专利相机技术。 SiOnyx sues Apple, claiming the iPhone 15 uses its patented camera technology without permission.
苹果公司声称苹果公司的iPhone 15使用SiOnyx的专利夜视和低光成像技术。 Apple is facing a lawsuit from SiOnyx, a camera technology company, which claims that Apple's iPhone 15 uses SiOnyx's patented night vision and low-light imaging technology without permission. Apple提出动议,要求驳回新的指控,理由是预审协议阻止SiOnyx使用新的索赔要求。 Apple has filed a motion to strike out new allegations, arguing that a pre-trial agreement prevents SiOnyx from using the new claims. 该案可能会影响到公司如何在法律纠纷中处理机密信息。 The case could have implications for how companies handle confidential information in legal disputes.