苹果公司试图驳回司法部的反托拉斯案, 声称它不公平地主导智能手机市场。 Apple seeks to dismiss DOJ's antitrust case claiming it dominates the smartphone market unfairly.
Apple将要求一名联邦法官驳回美国司法部指控其非法支配智能手机市场的案件。 Apple will ask a federal judge to dismiss the U.S. Department of Justice's case accusing it of unlawfully dominating the smartphone market. 司法部声称,苹果公司限制iPhones和第三方应用程序之间的互操作性,以维持其支配地位。 The DOJ claims Apple limits interoperability between iPhones and third-party apps to maintain its dominance. Apple认为,它的限制是合理的,强迫分享技术可能会阻碍创新。 Apple argues its restrictions are reasonable and that forced sharing of technology could hinder innovation. 本案是针对主要技术公司的更广泛的反托拉斯努力的一部分。 This case is part of broader antitrust efforts against major tech firms.