Apple 以安全问题为由驳回了 2021 年针对 NSO Group 的 Pegasus 间谍软件诉讼。 Apple dismisses 2021 lawsuit against NSO Group over Pegasus spyware, citing security concerns.
Apple 已采取行动驳回其对 NSO Group 的三年诉讼,NSO Group 是 Pegasus 间谍软件的制造商,最初于 2021 年提起。 Apple has moved to dismiss its three-year-old lawsuit against NSO Group, the maker of the Pegasus spyware, originally filed in 2021. 该公司指出,有人担心不断披露信息会危及其安全,帮助国家统计局和竞争者开发新的利用机会。 The company cites concerns that ongoing disclosures could jeopardize its security and aid NSO and competitors in developing new exploits. 果最初试图将NSO追究记者和活动人士使用的iPhone的黑客行为, 并旨在禁止其使用果产品. Apple initially sought to hold NSO accountable for hacking iPhones used by journalists and activists and aimed for an injunction against its use of Apple products.