苹果公司对美国反托拉斯诉讼提出争议,认为它面临竞争,不限制第三方。 Apple disputes US antitrust lawsuit, arguing it faces competition and doesn't restrict third parties.
苹果公司对美国反托拉斯诉讼提出争议, 声称这不可信, 也不要求软件开发商比他们现在有更多的iPhone访问权限。 Apple disputes US antitrust lawsuit, claiming it is implausible and not required to grant software developers more access to iPhones than they currently have. Apple认为它面临来自其他制造商的激烈竞争,没有干扰或限制第三方与谷歌和三星等竞争对手打交道。 Apple argues it faces robust competition from other manufacturers and has not interfered or restricted third parties from dealing with rivals such as Google and Samsung. 美国司法部和一群州总检察长提出的反托拉斯案声称,苹果公司阻止竞争对手使用其流行设备上的硬件和软件功能,以阻挠创新,使消费者更容易交换电话。 The antitrust case, filed by the US Justice Department and a group of state attorneys general, alleges that Apple blocks rivals from accessing hardware and software features on its popular devices to thwart innovations that would have made it easier for consumers to switch phones. Apple已要求一名美国法官驳回诉讼, Apple has requested a US judge to dismiss the lawsuit, stating that the claims "bear no relation to reality."