Bacup理事会否认伍迪披萨的新地点, 因为当地儿童肥胖症高发。 Bacup council denies Woody's Pizza new location due to high local childhood obesity rates.
由于当地儿童肥胖症高发, 英国Bacup的一个理事会拒绝允许伍迪披萨在新地点开放, A council in Bacup, UK, has denied Woody's Pizza permission to open a new location due to high obesity rates among local children. 在超过15%的六年级学生或10%的接受班适龄学生肥胖的地区,理事会的规则禁止新的热食外出。 The council's rules prohibit new hot food takeaways in areas where more than 15% of Year 6 pupils or 10% of Reception class age pupils are obese. 尽管声称使用健康成份,但Woody的申请被驳回,因为该地区10-11岁和11.6%的接受年龄儿童中20%肥胖。 Despite claims of using healthy ingredients, Woody's application was rejected as 20% of 10-11 year-olds and 11.6% of Reception-aged children in the area are obese. 有些当地人不同意这项决定, 主张更健康的食物选择。 Some locals disagree with the decision, arguing for more healthy food options.