英国建议对垃圾食品征收“脂肪税”, 以打击儿童肥胖症, England recommends "fat tax" on junk food to fight childhood obesity, targeting urban areas.
英格兰首席医官Chris Whitty爵士建议对垃圾食品征收“脂肪税”,以打击儿童肥胖症,特别是在城市地区。 England's Chief Medical Officer, Sir Chris Whitty, recommends a "fat tax" on junk food to combat childhood obesity, particularly in urban areas. 他的报告强调指出,健康食品的昂贵程度几乎是不健康选择的两倍,对低收入家庭的影响最大。 His report highlights that healthy food is nearly twice as expensive as unhealthy options, affecting low-income families most. Whitty建议对高糖和高盐产品征税,为企业设定健康食品销售目标,并强制公司报告其食品销售情况。 Whitty suggests implementing a tax on high-sugar and high-salt products, setting healthy food sales targets for businesses, and making it mandatory for companies to report on their food sales. 报告还呼吁减少对垃圾食品广告的暴露,特别是在较贫穷地区。 The report also calls for reduced exposure to junk food advertising, especially in poorer regions.