母亲批评英国学校的膳食部分, 她儿子体重减退, Mother criticizes UK school meal portions, sparking debate over adequacy as her son loses weight.
一位母亲Kay Webb批评她儿子在英国小学用餐量很小, A mother, Kay Webb, criticized the small portion sizes of school meals at her son's primary school in the UK, sharing images on Facebook. 学校回应说,孩子们可以多吃蔬菜、沙拉和面包,但Webb认为,这些部分仍然不够,导致她儿子体重下降。 The school responded that children can take extra vegetables, salad, and bread, but Webb argues that the portions are still insufficient, leading to her son's weight loss. 这起事件引发了在线辩论, 讨论学校膳食是否充足。 The incident sparked a debate online about the adequacy of school meal portions.