红十字会警告加州居民准备野火, 包括疏散计划和急救包。 Red Cross warns California residents to prepare for wildfires with evacuation plans and emergency kits.
红十字会建议加利福尼亚居民为野火做好准备, 制定疏散计划, The Red Cross advises California residents to prepare for wildfires by creating an evacuation plan and packing a "go-kit" with essential supplies. 目前,数百人正在因火灾而寻求避难,其中30 000多人正在接到疏散令。 Currently, hundreds are seeking refuge due to active fires, with over 30,000 under evacuation orders. 关键的建议包括拥有多条逃生路线、必要的文件、处方以及三天的粮食和水供应。 Key recommendations include having multiple escape routes, necessary documents, prescriptions, and a three-day supply of food and water. 必须尽早撤离, 而不是等待官方命令。 It’s crucial to evacuate early and not wait for official orders.