人工智能分析显示,加利福尼亚州和内华达州塔霍湖可能有长达数小时的、威胁生命的缓慢野火疏散。 AI-based analysis reveals potential hours-long, life-threatening slow wildfire evacuations in California and Nevada's Lake Tahoe.
基于人工智能的独立疏散分析显示,在加利福尼亚州和内华达州的塔霍湖发生野火时,可能会持续数小时,危及生命的缓慢疏散. Independent AI-based evacuation analysis reveals potential hours-long, life-threatening slow evacuations during wildfires in California and Nevada's Lake Tahoe. 模拟估计Placer的疏散时间为9-14个小时,与之前的估计为3.7个小时相比. The simulations estimate 9-14+ hour evacuations for Placer, contrasting previous estimates at 3.7 hours. Wacheoe Tahoe的撤离可能需要7-9小时,超过6小时的估计。 Washoe Tahoe evacuations could take 7-9 hours, longer than the 6-hour estimate. 研究报告强调需要改善公共安全规划和对土地使用规划采取基于现实的办法。 The study emphasizes the need for better public safety planning and a reality-based approach to land use planning.