前联邦调查局线人因散布关于拜登的虚假贿赂指控被判处6年徒刑。 Former FBI informant sentenced to 6 years for spreading false bribery claims about the Bidens.
前联邦调查局线人Alexander Smirnov将因散布关于拜登总统及其儿子亨特的虚假贿赂故事被判处6年监禁,这成为共和党弹劾努力的核心。 Former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov will be sentenced to six years in prison for spreading a false bribery story about President Biden and his son Hunter, which became central to Republicans' impeachment efforts. 2015年,Smirnov错误地声称布里萨公司高管向拜登公司每人支付了500万美元。 Smirnov falsely claimed Burisma executives paid the Bidens $5 million each in 2015. 他认罪 逃税 并向联邦调查局撒谎。 He pleaded guilty to tax evasion and lying to the FBI. 他的律师以健康问题和他作为线人的合作为由,主张判处他4年徒刑。 His lawyers argue for a four-year sentence, citing health issues and his cooperation as an informant.