前参议员Bob Menendez在被判犯有贿赂罪后将面临长达15年的监禁。 Former Senator Bob Menendez faces up to 15 years in prison after being convicted of bribery.
美国前总统 Former U.S. 参议员Bob Menendez, 被判犯有贿赂罪, 面临判刑 与检察官 寻求15年有期徒刑。 Senator Bob Menendez, convicted of bribery, faces sentencing with prosecutors seeking a 15-year prison term. Menendez被控收受包括金条和豪华轿车在内的贿赂, Menendez, accused of receiving bribes including gold bars and a luxury car, has been convicted of acting as an agent of the Egyptian government. 他的律师以他的公职和生活成就为由,主张判处他不到两年的徒刑。 His lawyers argue for a sentence of less than two years, citing his public service and life achievements. 两名因行贿被定罪的商人Wael Hana和Fred Daibes也将被判刑。 Two businessmen convicted of paying bribes, Wael Hana and Fred Daibes, will also be sentenced. Menendez一直坚持他的无罪。 Menendez has maintained his innocence.