前联邦调查局线人Alexander Smirnov 认罪 谎报涉及拜登的假贿赂阴谋 Former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov pleads guilty to lying about a fake bribery scheme involving the Bidens.
前联邦调查局线人Alexander Smirnov 将认罪 谎报乔・拜登总统和他的儿子杭特 捏造的贿赂计划 Former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov will plead guilty to lying about a fabricated bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. 这些虚假主张是共和国国会弹劾调查的中心内容。 The false claims were central to the Republican impeachment inquiry in Congress. Smirnov也将面临逃税的指控。 Smirnov will also face charges for tax evasion. 没有找到涉及拜登人腐败或贿赂的证据。 No evidence of corruption or bribery involving the Bidens has been found. 检察官和他的辩护律师建议判处4至6年徒刑。 Prosecutors and his defense recommend a four to six-year prison sentence.