亨特·拜登在联邦枪支审判中被判有罪,因涉及虚假陈述和非法持有枪支的重罪指控面临最高 25 年的监禁。 Hunter Biden found guilty in federal gun trial, faces up to 25 years for felony charges involving false statements and illegally possessing a firearm.
美国总统乔·拜登的儿子亨特·拜登在特拉华州的一场联邦枪支审判中被判三项重罪,罪名包括向枪支经销商撒谎、在申请表上虚假申报吸毒情况以及非法持有枪支11天。 Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, was found guilty on three felony charges in a federal gun trial in Delaware for lying to a gun dealer, making a false claim about drug use on the application, and illegally possessing a firearm for 11 days. 他可能面临的最高刑期是 25 年,但目前尚不清楚他的刑期会是多久,因为初犯通常不会受到最高刑罚。 The maximum sentence he could face is 25 years, but it is unclear how long his sentence will be, as first-time offenders typically do not receive the maximum penalty. 刑罚判决将由前总统唐纳德·特朗普提名的法官玛丽埃伦·诺雷卡决定。 The sentencing will be determined by Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was nominated to the bench by former President Donald Trump.