爱尔兰在 2024 年的企业税征收量创下历史新高,增长了 18%,部分原因是苹果补缴税款。 Ireland saw record corporate tax collection in 2024, up 18%, driven partly by Apple back taxes.
2024 年,爱尔兰征收了创纪录的 280 亿欧元公司税,比上一年增长了 18%,这还不包括 110 亿欧元的 Apple 补缴税款。 In 2024, Ireland collected a record €28 billion in corporate taxes, a 18% increase from the previous year, excluding €11 billion from Apple back taxes. 总税收达到 971 亿欧元,增长 10%,所得税收入增长 6.6%,达到 351 亿欧元。 Total tax revenue reached €97.1 billion, up 10%, and income tax receipts rose 6.6% to €35.1 billion. 政府计划将 Apple 资金用于基础设施、住房和供水系统。 The government plans to use the Apple funds for infrastructure, housing, and water systems. 尽管增长稳健,但财政部长 Jack Chambers 警告称,经济风险包括能源、水、运输和住房成本。 Despite solid growth, Minister for Finance Jack Chambers warned of economic risks including energy, water, transport, and housing costs.