密苏里州经历了因大雪和冰雪造成的严重旅行中断;交通、交通、交通和交通部的重点是清理主要路线。 Missouri endures severe travel disruptions from heavy snow and ice; MoDOT focuses on clearing major routes.
密苏里州因大雪和冰雪而面临严重的交通障碍, 交通部正在不知疲倦地清理主要路线. Missouri faces severe travel disruptions due to heavy snowfall and icy conditions, with MoDOT working tirelessly to clear major routes. 车队的注意力集中在高速公路、医院地区以及桥梁和曲线等麻烦地点,但二级道路仍未得到处理。 Crews are focusing on highways, hospital areas, and trouble spots like bridges and curves, but secondary roads remain untreated. 建议司机避免旅行,通过MODOT的旅游者信息地图或热线检查道路状况,并尽可能远离道路,因为风雨和漂流雪不断带来挑战。 Drivers are advised to avoid travel, check road conditions via MoDOT's Traveler Information Map or hotline, and stay off the roads if possible due to ongoing challenges with wind gusts and drifting snow.