明尼苏达州因寒雨面临严重的道路危险,导致100多起车祸。 Minnesota faces severe road dangers due to freezing rain, causing over 100 crashes.
由于冰冷的雨, 美国明尼苏达州的道路状况严重, Minnesota is experiencing severe road conditions due to freezing rain, leading to over 100 crashes and spinouts across state roads by early Saturday afternoon. 明尼苏达州巡逻队报告了7起伤员撞车事件和109起财产损失事件,其中最严重的情况发生在双城以北的I-94和I-35。 The Minnesota State Patrol reported seven injury crashes and 109 property damage incidents, with the worst conditions affecting I-94 and I-35 north of the Twin Cities. MnDOT警告曼卡托和罗切斯特地区的冰冷道路,建议司机极为谨慎。 MnDOT warns of icy roads in Mankato and Rochester areas, advising drivers to exercise extreme caution.