美国首例禽流感死亡报告发生在路易斯安那州;病毒尚未在人类之间传播。 First U.S. bird flu death reported in Louisiana; virus not yet spreading between humans.
美国首例禽流感死亡发生在路易斯安那州。 The first death from bird flu in the U.S. has occurred in Louisiana. 患者65岁以上,有原有病症,在接触后院和野鸟后感染了病毒。 The patient, over 65 with pre-existing conditions, contracted the virus after exposure to backyard and wild birds. 遗传分析显示病毒可能在病人体内变异 但没有任何证据表明人与人之间传染了病毒 Genetic analysis showed the virus may have mutated inside the patient, but there's no evidence of human-to-human transmission. 卫生官员强调公众面临的风险仍然很低,尽管那些与鸟类和家禽打交道或接近鸟类和家禽的人被建议采取预防措施。 Health officials stress the risk to the public remains low, though those working with or near birds and poultry are advised to take precautions.