Arizona首次报告人类禽流感病例;美国农业部从12月16日起测试全国牛奶供应量。 Arizona reports first human cases of bird flu; USDA to test national milk supply starting Dec 16.
Arizona报告了第一个人类禽流感病例,其中两人在Pinal县的一家设施中与感染家禽一起工作后检测呈阳性。 Arizona has reported its first human cases of bird flu, with two individuals testing positive after working with infected poultry at a Pinal County facility. 既患有轻微症状,又康复。 Both experienced mild symptoms and have recovered. 没有证据表明人与人之间传染,公众面临的风险仍然很低。 There is no evidence of human-to-human transmission, and the risk to the public remains low. 美国农业部准备从12月16日起在包括亚利桑那州在内的六个州开始测试全国的牛奶供应病毒。 The USDA is set to begin testing the national milk supply for the virus starting December 16 in six states, including Arizona.