中国禁止美国批准的油轮停靠主要港口,影响进口和提炼厂。 China bans US-sanctioned oil tankers from major ports, impacting imports and refiners.
中国山东港集团禁止美国批准的油轮停靠其主要的东海岸港口,包括青岛港、里绍港和延泰港。 China's Shandong Port Group has banned US-sanctioned oil tankers from docking at its major east coast ports, including Qingdao, Rizhao, and Yantai. 这一举动影响到独立的精炼厂,它们主要从伊朗、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉购买廉价的、受制裁的原油。 This move impacts independent refiners, who mainly buy cheap, sanctioned crude from Iran, Russia, and Venezuela. 这一禁令可能增加运输成本,减缓向世界最大的石油进口国中国的石油进口。 The ban could increase shipping costs and slow oil imports to China, the world's largest oil importer. 与此同时,美国将中国的COSCO航运公司列入军事黑名单,理由是与中国军方有联系,这可能会阻碍美国公司与该公司进行接触。 Meanwhile, the US has added China's COSCO Shipping to a military blacklist, citing links to the Chinese military, which could discourage US firms from engaging with the company.