美国海关和边境保护局警告说,假扮官员的诈骗电话是为了窃取个人和财务信息。 U.S. CBP warns of scam calls pretending to be officers to steal personal, financial info.
美国海关和边境保护局警告说,诈骗者充当海关和边境保护局官员或边境巡逻人员,利用真正的雇员姓名诱骗人们提供个人或财务信息,进行电话欺诈。 U.S. Customs and Border Protection warns of a phone scam where scammers pose as CBP officers or Border Patrol agents, using real employee names to trick people into providing personal or financial information. 海关、边境和边境保护局强调,他们将不要求金钱或个人详细资料。 CBP stresses they will not call asking for money or personal details. 居民应核实通过CBP网站的电话,并向联邦贸易委员会报告骗局。 Residents should verify calls through the CBP website and report scams to the Federal Trade Commission.