联邦调查局警告要封锁五个电话号码 以避免骗局 包括假交货和奖金索偿 FBI warns to block five phone numbers to avoid scams, including fake delivery and prize claims.
联邦调查局和密歇根州当局警告居民禁止使用五个特定的电话号码, The FBI and Michigan authorities warn residents to block five specific phone numbers due to increased scam activities, including text message scams, bank and credit card fraud, and delivery company scams. 黑手党用假冒来掩盖他们的数字 让他们看起来像本地人 Scammers use spoofing to disguise their numbers, making them appear local. 联邦调查局建议不要提供个人资料,并敦促立即封锁这些数字,以防止身份盗窃和金融欺诈。 The FBI advises against giving out personal information and urges immediate blocking of these numbers to protect against identity theft and financial fraud. 飞毛腿往往涉及对交货问题、获奖或银行问题提出虚假索赔。 Scams often involve false claims about delivery issues, prize winnings, or bank problems.