CBP警告骗子假冒边境巡逻人员窃取个人资料的骗局。 CBP warns of scams where scammers impersonate Border Patrol agents to steal personal info.
美国海关和边境保护(CBP)警告,诈骗者利用假数字假冒边境巡逻人员进行电话欺诈。 The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) warns of phone scams where scammers impersonate Border Patrol agents using spoofed numbers. 他们威胁要驱逐出境,或声称发现一个装有受害者姓名的包裹,以欺骗人们提供个人和银行信息。 They threaten deportation or claim a package with the victim's name was found, to trick people into giving personal and banking information. 海关和边境保护局建议不要通过电话分享任何信息,并向联邦贸易委员会报告此类电话。 CBP advises not to share any information over the phone and to report such calls to the Federal Trade Commission.