海关和边境保护局警告电话诈骗者冒充代理人,索要钱财或个人信息。 CBP warns of phone scammers impersonating agents and demanding money or personal information.
美国海关和边境保护局(海关和边境保护局)警告公民,如果电话诈骗者假冒海关和边境保护局代理商,索要金钱或个人信息。 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) warns citizens about phone scammers impersonating CBP agents, demanding money or personal information. 这些诈骗者经常假冒CBP的合法号码,并用真实官员的姓名来显示其可信度。 These scammers often spoof legitimate CBP numbers and use real officials' names to appear credible. 海关、边境和边境保护局强调,它们不要求付款或提供敏感数据,不主动发出要求付款或提供敏感数据的电话。 CBP stresses they do not make unsolicited calls demanding payments or sensitive data. 建议受害者挂断电话,向联邦贸易委员会报告此类电话,并通过官方渠道核实通信。 Victims are advised to hang up and report such calls to the Federal Trade Commission, and to verify communications through official channels.