德克萨斯州的夏默斯在欺骗人们 假装是警察 要求钱财 Scammers in Texas are tricking people by pretending to be police and demanding money.
Scammers在得克萨斯州假扮警察, 以企业和个人为目标, 在电话上索要钱财。 Scammers are impersonating police officers in Texas, targeting businesses and individuals by demanding money over the phone. 在Belton,他们要求雇员将现金转入卡片,而在Amarillo,骗徒威胁要伪造逮捕证和法庭日期,要求通过礼品卡付款。 In Belton, they ask employees to transfer cash to a card, while in Amarillo, scammers threaten with fake warrants and court dates, demanding payments via gift cards. 当局强调,他们绝不会通过电话索要钱款,并敦促收到这种电话的人向当地执法机构报告并核实。 Authorities emphasize they will never request money over the phone and urge anyone receiving such calls to report them and verify with local law enforcement.